My Blog

A tale of dorkiness

Test Procedure:

  • Open the top slide cover on the Vive and disconnect the 3-in-1 cable.
  • Disconnect the 3-in-1 cable from the linkbox and set it aside.
  • Set the Vive on top your PC and disconnect the HDMI and USB cables from the linkbox that go to the PC, but leave them plugged into the PC.
  • Di...

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So, as of Mastodon 4.0, there's FINALLY an API endpoint for automating defederation! However i've not seen anyone have a tool yet so I made one!

Enjoy Masto Defed 0.0.1, first version, no error checking, just mash in an auth token and your fedi instance, and have a list ready, and push the button...

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Sometimes tracking gets wonk and a reboot doesn't help. Pairing isn't consistent and need to go thru the re-pair shenanigans. I've found that this tends to settle things down.

  1. Reboot
  2. Make sure SteamVR is closed
  3. Open file browser to "STEAM\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\lighthouse\bin\win32"
  4. ...

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Hey folks!

For those of you looking for a lovely CLI tool to show your upcoming calendar items on Google Calendar, I can wholly recommend the tool gcalcli (AUR). Setup is pretty easy, and it lets you add stuff to your calendar, and display a few different formats. Personally, I quite like th...

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Hello, readers!

Some of you may know that I posted about doing some automated maintenance for mastodon. I've updated the script that I'm running, and personally set it up as a systemd timer as well!

You can use the main maintenance script and use crontab if you prefer, I just used it as an excu...

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