Hey Readers!

Today I have a bit of an update from the code I pasted last time. I added it to a script with some output that separates the different areas, making it easier to get the update done with a single command. It could be tweaked for automation by making the last apt command install blindly, but I prefer it not doing that so I can veto any updates if there's any reported issues.

apt-get update
printf "\n\n\n============Updates Table=========\n\n\n"
apt-get --just-print upgrade 2>&1 | perl -ne 'if (/Inst\s([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\s\[([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\]\s\(([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\)? /i) {print "PROGRAM: $1 INSTALLED: $2 AVAILABLE: $3\n"}' | column -s " " -t
printf "\n\n\n============apt-get output=========\n\n\n"
apt-get upgrade

I save this as "pretty_apt.sh", and it's been very useful this past couple of weeks. Hope this can help someone!

If you have any recommendations or adjustments, feel free to share in the comments below!

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